What you will need:
-A board (even a big piece of cardboard will work). I got a 12 in x 16 in canvas panal from a craft store.
-Velcro cut into smaller pieces
-pictures (either real pictures or clip art, or pecs)
-and a permanent marker
Start by making seven sections on your board, one for every day of the week, its better to make the sections vertical and add in about 5 velcro pieces underneath. Here is what mine ended up looking like...
Next cut out the pictures, I ended up being able to print small photos that worked great....
And the last thing to do is just put the pictures in order of what you are doing that day. It takes the kiddos a little while to learn to use a schedule but greatly reduces transitional meltdowns. With Alex, it was like as long as he knew what to expect he did great!! His week day schedule was usually a picture of him with his morning therapist, then one of him at school, then one of him and his afternoon therapist, then whatever we did after that. Now that Alex is 7 and can read, he just has a regular desk calander with everything written on it. And I also had a pecs schedule for his morning and bed time routine that was just on a clip board (we also had a travel sized picture schedule for when we went on vacation, went to visit people over night, or anything like that.) Below is his morning/bedtime routine...
And here is the first picture schedule I made for him using clip art!